JEE Main - Books & Study Materials – In a highly competitive exam, each and every step which is part of the preparation strategy must be accurate. Therefore, while preparing for the JEE Main exam, one needs to have the right books and study material. With the penetration of the internet in our lives, there is a plethora of information that is available. Candidates must choose the right books and study material so that they are able to cover the complete syllabus and understand the concepts also correctly from the best books that they are studying from. By using the best JEE Main books and study materials, candidates will be able to give fillip to their preparation and they will also be able to save a lot of time.

List of best books for JEE Main organic chemistry

It is generally observed that the beginners find the syllabus of organic chemistry as not only difficult but also vast. However, studying from the best books of organic chemistry, one can easily grasp the subject and get the hang of it.

Authors/Publisher Name of Books
O.P. Tandon Organic Chemistry
Solomons Organic Chemistry
Paula Bruice Yurkanis Organic Chemistry
Arihant Prakashan Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry by MORRISON & BOYD Organic Chemistry
I. L. Finar Organic Chemistry Volume 1
Bahal & Bahal Organic Chemistry
Peter Sykes Organic Chemistry
J.D March Organic Chemistry
M. S. Chauhan Concept of Organic Chemistry

Note: According to JEE Main toppers, those candidates who have covered substantial amount of syllabus of JEE Main for organic chemistry, then only they should study “A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry by Peter Sykes.”

Best Books for JEE Main – Inorganic Chemistry

Authors/Publisher Name of Books
NCERT Chemistry XI & XII
O.P. Tandon Text Books for Inorganic Chemistry for Competitions
J.D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry

Physical Chemistry – Best books for JEE Main Preparation

While preparing for physical chemistry, one has to keep in mind that they should sharpen their skills to solve the numerical problems and be well versed with the concepts as they are comparatively easy.

Best Books for JEE Main Physical Chemistry

Authors/Publisher Name of Books
O.P. Tandon Physical Chemistry
P.Bahadur (G.R. Bathla & Sons) Numerical Chemistry
Bruce H. Mahan University Chemistry
R.C. Mukharjee Numerical Chemistry
P.W.Atkins Physical Chemistry
Ebbing General Chemistry
NCERT Chemistry XI, XII
RC Mukherjee Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations
P Bahadur Numerical Chemistry 22/e

JEE Main Best Books and Study Material For Physics

In Physics one should try to focus on solving as many complex problems as possible. Special focus should be paid on Mechanics and Electromagnetics.

Best Books for Physics

Authors/Publisher Name of Books
H.C.Verma Concepts of Physica Vol I and II
I.E. Irodov Problems in General Physics
Halliday, Resnick & Walker Fundamentals of Physics
Krotov Aptitude Test Problems in Physics
Nelkon and Parker Advance Physics
A. A Pinsky Problems in Physics
Arihant Publications Objective questions on physics by D.C. Pandey
R. P. Feynman Feynman Lectures on Physics
L. A. Sena A collection of questions and Problems in Physics

JEE Main Best Books for Mathematics

Students who will prepare for the JEE Main exam must focus on theorems as well as trigonometry and geometry. In order to prepare for the Maths section of JEE Main, candidates must study from the following best books and give a boost to their preparation.

Best Books for JEE Main Mathematics

Name of the book and author Authors/Publishers
Objective Mathematics R D Sharma
Plane Trigonometry S L Loney
The Elements Of Coordinate Geometry S L Loney
Algebra Dr S K Goyal Arihant Publications
Play with Graphs Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
Differential Calculus Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
Integral Calculus Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
Complete mathematics for JEE Main TMH

Topic wise books for JEE Main Mathematics – Calculus

Name of the book Name of the author
Differential Calculus for IIT-JEE Amit Agarwal
Integral Calculus for IIT-JEE Amit Agarwal
Problems in Calculus of One Variable I. A. Maron
Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomas and Finney

Best Books for Trigonometry, 2D & 3D Geometry, Vector Algebra

Name of the book Name of the author
Coordinate Geometry for IIT-JEE SK Goyal
Algebra for JEE Main & Advanced Arihant Publication
Vectors & 3D Geometry Arihant Publications
Trigonometry for JEE Main & Advanced Arihant Publications
Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE TMH Publication
Higher Algebra 4th Edition Hall and Knight

JEE Main Preparation Books for PnC, Probability

Name of the book Name of the author
Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications Vol I and II for JEE Main & Advanced William Feller

JEE Main -Best books for B. Arch

Those candidates who want to make their career in the field of architecture, they would have to appear in the B.Arch paper. The best books that are required to prepare for the B.Arch paper are:

Name of the book Name of the author
A Complete Self Study Guide for B.Arch 2022 Entrance Examination (English) P.K Mishra, Arihant Publications
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Book R.S. Aggarwal
B. Arch/ B. Planning Aptitude Test for J.E.E. (Main) SC Garg
Architecture Entrance Book P.K. Mishra
Steps to Architecture: B. Arch (NATA/JEE) Main Exam Guide Nimish Madan
NATA & B. ARCH Complete Self Study Material Ar. Shadan Usmani

What factors should one take into account while choosing JEE Main books for Preparation?

Candidates can take into account some of the factors that are given below while choosing the most appropriate book for the JEE Main exam:

JEE Main syllabus should be covered- While selecting any book whether it is Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics, then in such a case they must ensure that the complete syllabus is covered in those books.

Simple Language – Candidates must ensure that the language that is written in the books that they choose for JEE Main preparation is easy and simple and can be comprehended without any difficulty.

Choose the best book- Since, there are a lot of books that are available in the market, candidates must double check before buying that they have bought the best book as they prepare for the JEE Main exam.

Explanations of concepts with examples – Books which have examples that explain the concepts, make the learning easy for the candidates as they are able to understand in a better way. Once the candidates get a good understanding of the concepts, then no matter how difficult the question is, they can answer it without any difficulty.

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