Cambridge English : Results
The Cambridge English Scale
From January 2015, a new way of reporting results for our exams is used that will provide you with more detailed information about exam performance – the Cambridge English Scale.
CEFR Chart

- More detailed results – candidates receive a score for each skill (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) plus Use of English. They also get an overall score for the exam on the Cambridge English Scale.
- Straightforward and consistent – results across our exams will report on the same scale. Scores on the Cambridge English Scale will replace the existing standardized scores and candidate profile.
- Easy to compare performance – the alignment of our exams to the CEFR, to IELTS and to each other is clear. Results on the scale also give a greater insight into candidate progression from one exam to the next.
Viewing Your Exam Result Online
Information for candidates who have taken a Cambridge English exam
If you have taken one of our exams we want to make sure you receive your result as quickly as possible. By registering for our Results Online website you will be able to view your results as soon as they become available. You’ll also receive an email letting you know that your results have been released.

You can register for the site at any point from when you receive your Confirmation of Entry from your exam centre; you do not need to wait until after the exam. You will need the ID number and Secret number shown on your Confirmation of Entry in order to register. If you haven't received or have lost these details, please contact your exam centre for assistance.
How to Register:
1. Enter your ID number and Secret number. These can be found on your Confirmation of Entry.

2. Enter your email address. It is very important that this is entered correctly, so please check it is correct before continuing.

3. Choose a password, and confirm it by retyping it on the second line.

4. You must agree to the terms of use to proceed.

5. Choose whether you would like to receive emails from us.
6. Click Submit to register.

The capacity to deal with material which is academic or cognitively demanding and to use language to good effect at a level of performance which may in certain respects be more advanced than that of an average native speaker.
After clicking Submit you will receive an email confirming your registration. You can then log in using the ID Number from your Confirmation of Entry, and the Password that you chose during the registration process.
Results for paper-based exams are generally released around four to six weeks after the date of the exam. Results for computer-based tests are released around two to three weeks after the exam.
Click Here to see your result!!